SYNOPSIS: Allows user to open and close icons in the Finder by pressing return and delete.
AUTHOR: Scott Bronson (,
DISTRIBUTION: As long as QuickLoc and its accompanying files are unmodified, it's free!
COMPATIBILITY: Works fine under all System 7. Untested under System 6, but should work.
SIZE: tiny! It only takes up 378 bytes of memory and 1,262 bytes of disk space.
QuickLoc is a goofy little utility that, once you get used to it, is hard to live without. It simply opens all selected folders whenever the user hits the return key and closes the frontmost window when the user hits the delete key. File names can still be edited by hitting the enter key (on the keypad).
This INIT has been beta-tested for four months now, and no incompatibilities or conflicts have reared their ugly heads. If you notice any, contact me at the E-mail addresses above and I'll offer what support I can.
Interesting fact: this text file is larger than the entire QuickLock extension!
Source code is available, but for a »»tiny«« price.
1.0 04/93 This released version.
1.0b3 02/93 Allowed the user to open and close icons on the desktop.
1.0b2 12/92 Fixed a bug: control panels now get delete keypresses too (oops...)